Egitto Viaggio ricreativo per famiglie. | Egypt Tours Club

Egitto Viaggio ricreativo per famiglie.


La nostra vacanza ricreativa in Egitto per famiglie comprende dieci giorni di esplorazione di notevoli luoghi storici, tra cui escursioni al Cairo e una crociera sul Nilo da Assuan a Luxor, seguite da un viaggio a Hurghada per rilassarsi sul Mar Rosso e fare snorkeling nelle acque cristalline.

Info Sul Giro
  • Durata: 10 giorni , 9 notti
  • Orario e luogo di partenza: 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7 dall'aeroporto del Cairo.
  • Orario e luogo di ritorno: 24 ore su 24, 7 giorni su 7 per l'aeroporto del Cairo
  • Categoria pacchetto: Pacchetti viaggio per famiglie in Egitto.
Punti Salienti Del Tour
  • Attrazioni di Giza: dove visiterai le Piramidi di Giza e la Sfinge, la necropoli di Saqqara, la città di Menfi, lo spettacolo di luci e suoni delle Piramidi. (Tour facoltativo)
  • Attrazioni di Assuan: dove esplorerai i templi di Philae, il villaggio nubiano (tour facoltativo), i templi di Abu Simbel. (Tour facoltativo), il tempio di Kom ombo, il tempio di Edfu.
  • Attrazioni di Luxor: dove potrai visitare la valle dei re, i colossi di Memnone, il tempio di Hatshipsut, il complesso di Karnak.
  • Relax in riva al mare per 3 giorni e 3 notti.
Cosa Aspettarsi
  • Visita Saqqara, Menfi, Piramidi di Giza e Sfinge.
  • Volo ad Assuan, visita al tempio di Philae, tour facoltativo per visitare il villaggio nubiano.
  • Tour facoltativo per visitare Bu Simbel, navigazione verso Komomobo.
  • Visita Edfu e attraversa la chiusa di Esna.
  • Visita le attrazioni di Luxor, la valle dei Re, il tempio di Hatsheput, i colossi di Memnone, il tempio di Karnak,
  • Viaggio a Hurghada, relax per 2 giorni, snorkeling e relax sul Mar Rosso.
I regali
  • Escursione di 15 minuti in cammello vicino alle piramidi per tutti i partecipanti.
Di Più Egitto Viaggio ricreativo per famiglie.
  • Il tour leader ti aspetterà all'interno dell'aeroporto con un cartello con il tuo nome sopra e ti contatterà con Whatsapp se è disponibile.
  • Codice di abbigliamento: si consiglia una chiusura Smart Casual.
  • Scarpe comode per camminare, occhiali da sole e cappellino sono importanti nel periodo estivo.


Giorno Informazioni Generali

In base ai dati del tuo arrivo, il nostro rappresentante ti incontrerà all'aeroporto con un cartello con il tuo nome. Il rappresentante ti assisterà con le procedure doganali, l'ottenimento del visto e altre questioni prima di accompagnarti in hotel.
Il rappresentante sarà più che lieto di rispondere a qualsiasi domanda e di illustrare il programma per i prossimi giorni mentre ti rechi dall'aeroporto al tuo hotel.

Giorno 1: Attività - 1
Il tour facoltativo dello spettacolo di luci delle Piramidi

Lo spettacolo di suoni e luci delle piramidi è una delle attività più consigliate il primo giorno e possiamo organizzare la tua conoscenza della storia egiziana durante lo spettacolo di luci e suoni di un'ora davanti alle piramidi e alla Sfinge. il tour è escluso, puoi aggiungerlo al tuo pacchetto.

Giorno Extra Informazioni

Per programmare il prelievo e il trasferimento dall'aeroporto all'hotel, è necessario fornire i dettagli di arrivo e partenza prima della data di arrivo.
Nel caso arriviate prima delle ore 14:00, dovrete attendere nella hall fino all'orario del check-in.

Giorno Informazioni Generali

In base all'orario di ritiro previsto, la guida ti incontrerà nella hall dell'hotel per venirti a prendere e trasportarti nei seguenti luoghi prima di riportarti in hotel.

Giorno 2: Attività - 1
Giro di Menfi

Menfi, Saqqara e le Piramidi di Giza
Inizia la tua gita di un giorno visitando una delle statue più importanti del museo all'aperto di Memphis. Il re Menes fondò Menfi, che servì come capitale dell'Antico Egitto per tutto l'Antico Regno. Per più di 3.000 anni è stato considerato il centro amministrativo e culturale dell'Egitto!
Puoi scattare una foto con la statua di Ramses II prima di dirigerti alla necropoli di Sakkara.

Giorno 2: Attività - 2
Giro di Saqqara

Después de recorrer Memphis, tu guía te llevará a la Necrópolis de Saqqara, donde serás testigo de la Pirámide de los Seis Escalones, la entrada principal a la Necrópolis y la Pirámide del Rey Teti.
Después de haber visitado todas las características del complejo, su guía turístico lo llevará a un restaurante local y tradicional, donde lo animamos a probar nuestra cocina local.

Giorno 2: Attività - 3
Piramidi di Giza

Verrai portato lì per 3 ore, con tre fermate: l'enorme piramide di Cheope, la vista panoramica, il tempio di Valley e l'enorme tour della Sfinge. Quindi verrai trasferito al tuo hotel per la notte. Quindi verrai trasportato al tuo hotel per la notte.

Giorno Extra Informazioni

Ti consigliamo di vestirti bene in modo casual, indossare un cappello, occhiali da sole e scarpe comode a seconda dell'ambiente.
Le tariffe d'ingresso includono semplicemente il biglietto d'ingresso all'area e non includono la vista delle piramidi dall'interno; se desideri visitare le piramidi dall'interno, ti verrà addebitato un costo aggiuntivo. Puoi chiedere alla tua guida di assisterti nell'acquisto del biglietto.
Il pranzo sarà servito in un ristorante del quartiere.

Giorno Informazioni Generali

In base ai dettagli dei biglietti aerei, effettuerai il check-out e verrai prelevato e trasferito all'aeroporto del Cairo per prendere il volo per Assuan. Quando arriverai all'aeroporto di Assuan, sarai accolto dalla tua guida turistica, che ti accompagnerà durante la tua vacanza da Assuan a Luxor. Dopo l'incontro e il saluto, vedrai il tempio di Philae prima di essere trasferito sulla nave da crociera per il check-in, goderti il ​​resto della giornata a bordo dopo pranzo o fare uno dei tour facoltativi di Assuan.

Giorno 3: Attività - 1
Visita al tempio di Philae

All'arrivo ad Assuan, incontrerai la tua guida turistica e sarai trasferito per visitare il tempio unico della dea Iside, i templi di Philae, per raggiungerli viaggerai su una barca con moto, navigando per 10-15 minuti, la tua guida ti condurrà attraverso il tempio storico, dove conoscerai meglio le antiche leggende egiziane e crederai che Iside fosse considerata la dea dell'amore e della maternità nell'antica mitologia egiziana. esplorerai il tempio, poi riprenderai la barca, dopo la visita verrai trasferito alla crociera sul Nilo.

Giorno 3: Attività - 2
Visita facoltativa al villaggio nubiano

Se desideri trascorrere il tuo pomeriggio libero imparando di più sulla storia e la cultura del popolo nubiano, puoi prenotare un tour del villaggio nubiano. Questo tour ti porta in un villaggio nubiano dove potrai passeggiare per le sue strade e visitare una casa nubiana. Ci si arriva in barca a motore sul fiume Nilo, rendendolo un ottimo modo per vedere Assuan dal lato Hule e scattare splendide foto del tramonto.

Giorno Extra Informazioni

La categoria della crociera è standard 5 stelle. basato su pernottamento, colazione, pranzo e cena.
A bordo sono escluse le bevande.
Alla fine del viaggio è fondamentale lasciare la mancia al corvo.

Giorno Informazioni Generali

La crociera partirà alle 14:00 e arriverà al tempio di Kom Ombo intorno alle 17:30. La tua guida ti incontrerà nella hall della nave da crociera e ti condurrà attraverso il tempio per esplorarlo prima di tornare alla crociera per continuare a navigare verso il tempio di Edfu.

Giorno 4: Attività - 1
Tour facoltativo per visitare i templi di Abu Simbel.

Come accennato in precedenza, la crociera parte alle 14:00, quindi è il momento giusto per prenotare il tour facoltativo ai templi di Abu Simbel. Verrai prelevato dalla crociera alle 5:00 e accompagnato ai templi (ci vogliono circa 3 ore per arrivarci). Una volta arrivato, ti verrà offerto un tour per conoscere la storia degli antichi egizi e come costruirono questi incredibili templi ricavati dalle rocce. Uno dei templi fu costruito per il re Ramses II, considerato il re più importante delle dipendenze. Successivamente visiterai il secondo tempio, costruito da Ramses II per la sua amata moglie, la regina Nefiratri. poi torna ad Assuan per unirti alla crociera prima di partire sul Kom Ombo.

Giorno 4: Attività - 2
Visita al tempio di Kom Ombo.

Quando la crociera sul Nilo arriverà al tempio degli dei Horas e Sobek (tempio di Kom omb), costruito per onorare entrambi gli dei, saranno intorno alle 17:30. Verrai accompagnato in una visita guidata al magnifico tempio di Komombo, dove potrai imparare di più sulla mitologia dell'antico Egitto.

Giorno Extra Informazioni

La barca parte alle 14:00, quindi se vuoi vedere gli straordinari templi costruiti da Ramses il Grande, dovresti assolutamente prendere in considerazione il viaggio al tempio di Abu Simbel aggiungendolo al tuo pacchetto.

Giorno Informazioni Generali

In base all'orario di arrivo a Edfu, verrai prelevato e trasferito a Visit the Edfu temp,e. poi tornerai alla crociera per fare colazione, intorno alle 15:00 attraverserai la chiusa di Esna, nel pomeriggio arriverai a Luxor.

Giorno 5: Attività - 1
Visita mattutina al tempio di Edfu.

Al mattino presto arriverai a Edfu, dove incontrerai la tua guida nella hall della crociera per procedere alla visita dello speciale tempio di Edfu. Per arrivarci utilizzerai il trasporto tradizionale della città (carrozza diligenza). Il tempio di Edfu fu costruito per servire il dio Horas, il dio della protezione nell'antica storia egiziana, e sarai guidato ad esplorare quel tempio speciale prima di tornare alla crociera per continuare a navigare verso Luxor.

Giorno 5: Attività - 2
Esperienza di attraversamento della chiusa di Esna.

Cosa succede durante la traversata?
Quando le navi da crociera sul Nilo entrano nella chiusa, i cancelli vengono chiusi dietro di loro e il livello dell'acqua nella chiusa viene regolato in modo che corrisponda al livello del fiume a valle. Una volta che il livello dell'acqua si è livellato, i cancelli sul lato a valle della chiusa vengono rilasciati, consentendo alla barca di riprendere il viaggio lungo il fiume.

Giorno Extra Informazioni

Dopo la tua visita a Edfu, trascorrerai la giornata riposando a bordo, godendoti un bagno di sole e ammirando i terreni agricoli e la vegetazione che ti circonda durante la crociera.

Giorno Informazioni Generali

Check-out, trasferimento per visitare Luxor (la Valle dei Re, il tempio di Hatshepsut, i colossi di Memnone e i templi di Karnak), quindi trasferimento a Hurghada, all'arrivo in hotel a Hurghada, check-in per il pernottamento.

Giorno 6: Attività - 1
Tour facoltativo in mongolfiera

Il viaggio in mongolfiera è un'attività facoltativa che ti permette di scoprire Luxor dal cielo. Verrai prelevato alle 4:00 e trasportato al porto, dove volerai per 45 minuti per esplorare Luxor e vedere i monumenti significativi dall'alto. Quindi torna alla barca per fare il check-out, fare colazione e iniziare il tour di Luxor.

Giorno 6: Attività - 2
Esplorazione della Valle dei Re.

La Valle dei Re è un complesso funerario dell'antico Egitto sepolto sui pendii tra le due colline calcaree di Gurna. La Valle dei Re ha 63 tombe riconosciute e altre tre sono state appena scoperte. Ti sarà permesso di visitare tre tombe dall'interno; King Tut non è uno di questi. Ha un biglietto aggiuntivo. Puoi acquistarlo in loco.

Giorno 6: Attività - 3
Visita al tempio della regina Hatshepsut

Il tempio funerario di Hatshepsut è insolito in quanto è l'unico tempio egiziano costruito su una scogliera con una disposizione a terrazza. Hatshepsut era una famosa faraone donna che usava una barba finta e tutti gli ornamenti dei faraoni maschi per impadronirsi del trono.

Giorno 6: Attività - 4
Fermata Memnone

Verrai trasportato alla visita dei Colossi di Memnon: vedremo quindi le statue di Memnon. Sono le uniche sculture esistenti di fronte al tempio funerario di Amenhotep III, che mostrano il faraone seduto sul suo trono.

Giorno 6: Attività - 5
Visita ai templi di Karnak

Dopo aver visto Memnon Colossi, verrai trasportato in un ristorante locale per pranzo. Le bevande durante il pranzo non sono incluse. Questo tour si conclude con una visita al più grande complesso di templi antichi dell'Egitto, i Templi di Karnak. Il complesso del tempio di Karnak è un punto di riferimento importante in Egitto; le forze spirituali dell'antico Egitto possono ancora essere percepite tra le sue mura.

Giorno Extra Informazioni

La colazione verrà servita a bordo della crociera,
Il pranzo sarà servito in un ristorante locale.
La cena è esclusa.
La mongolfiera è un tour facoltativo.

Giorno Informazioni Generali

Trascorrete una giornata tranquilla sulle splendide spiagge del Mar Rosso oppure fate un'immersione o uno snorkeling per esplorare il vivace ecosistema marino.

Giorno Extra Informazioni

1. Scopri le splendide spiagge di Hurghada e concediti una giornata di bagni di sole e nuotate nei mari incontaminati.
2. Partecipa a una spedizione di snorkeling o immersioni subacquee per esplorare la variegata fauna marina del Mar Rosso.
3. Esplora uno dei vivaci mercati di Hurghada per acquistare souvenir, artigianato locale e prodotti tradizionali egiziani.

Giorno Informazioni Generali

Goditi un altro giorno libero a Hurghada o prenota uno dei tour o delle attività consigliati a Hurghada, come il quad bike safari. Gita in barca all'isola di Orange o tour della città di Hurghada.

Giorno Informazioni Generali

In base alle informazioni sul biglietto aereo e all'orario previsto per il ritiro, effettuerai il check-out e verrai trasportato all'aeroporto di Luxor per imbarcarti sul volo di ritorno al Cairo. All'arrivo all'aeroporto del Cairo, verrai accolto dalla tua guida che ti trasferirà al tuo hotel al Cairo per la notte.

Giorno Extra Informazioni

La colazione verrà servita in hotel a Hurghada. Cibo e bevande sono esclusi durante la giornata libera.

Giorno Informazioni Generali

Il ritiro sarà programmato in base alle informazioni di partenza e l'autista sarà pronto per venirti a prendere e trasportarti alla posizione successiva.

Giorno Extra Informazioni

Il check-out dovrà essere effettuato entro le ore 11:00.
Se il tuo volo è in ritardo rispetto all'orario di check-out, cercheremo di aiutarti con il check-out posticipato, ma se non possiamo, puoi aspettare nella hall dell'hotel.

Inclusioni & Esclusioni

  • Prelievo e rientro in hotel, aeroporto, stazione ferroviaria.
  • Servizi di incontro e assistenza in tutte le destinazioni.
  • 3 notti di sistemazione in un hotel a 5 stelle al Cairo. con trattamento di pernottamento e prima colazione.
  • 3 notti di sistemazione in un hotel a 5 stelle a Hurghada con trattamento di pensione completa.
  • 3 notti di sistemazione in crociera sul Nilo da Assuan a Luxor. con trattamento di pernottamento, prima colazione, pranzo e cena.
  • 1 notte di sistemazione in un hotel a 5 stelle a Luxor. con trattamento di pernottamento e prima colazione.
  • Tour privati.
  • Guida turistica privata qualificata egittologa.
  • Ingressi ai luoghi menzionati nel programma.
  • Tutti i trasporti privati ​​via terra nella località di destinazione.
  • biglietto aereo dal Cairo ad Assuan.
  • biglietto aereo da Hurghada al Cairo.
  • Imposte locali.
  • Biglietto aereo internazionale
  • Bevande
  • Eventuali spese private
  • Tour facoltativi
  • Qualsiasi extra non menzionato nel programma
  • Mance

Dettagli sui prezzi della stagione in corso

Si prega di notare che i prezzi cambiano in base alla stagione, quindi il prezzo dipenderà dalla data scelta al momento del check out
Stanza Singola Camera Doppia Camera Tripla
Deve adulto #
Prezzo per adulto $ 2349 $ 2900 $ 1944 $ 2400 $ 1823 $ 2250
massimo di bambini # [età:6-11]
Prezzo per bambino $ 1175 $ 1450 $ 972 $ 1200
massimo di neonati# [età:0-5]
Prezzo per neonato $ 622 $ 768 $ 486 $ 600

50 % dell'importo totale della prenotazione

Costi aggiuntivi

Visite facoltative.
Visitare le piramidi dall'interno.
Bevande durante la crociera.

Recensioni degli utenti
Kathy T Kathy T

This trip was phenomenal! I highly recommend it to anyone wanting to experience Egypt. I took this trip with my sister and her family, including young children. Our tour guide, Ali, was very accommodating and really made ancient Egypt come to life with his knowledge of the history and awareness of our age and interest levels. The Nile cruise, camel rides, pyramids, sphinx, Alexandria, ... all of it, the entire trip was amazing! Everything was arranged and went smoothly. I look forward to another trip to Egypt and will definitely book through Egypt Tours Club!

Andrew Bowie

Egypt Tours Club did a great job organizing and structuring my trip to Egypt. I went with a group of 3 people for a 9 day trip, and we were able to completely customize our experience to what we wanted to do and see. Egypt Tours Club was extremely accommodating and easy to work with to make our stay enjoyable and care-free. We were taken care of and informed of everything from the moment we entered the airport. I would highly recommend using Egypt Tour Club for organizing your trip to Egypt. All of the tour guides were extremely knowledgeable in the areas we visited, easy to understand, and friendly. I would like to specifically recommend Mahmoud Hassan to anyone traveling to Luxor or Aswan. He did a great job, and was extremely informative, fun, and a pleasure to work with. We even exchanged contact information, and plan to keep in touch. Overall great experience, and highly recommend Egypt Tours Club.

Joanna H

Me and 2 other friends joined this 9 days tour with Egypt Tour Club from Dec 30 - Jan 7. Our tour coordinator, Ali helped organized everything for us as we all arrive at different times. The entire tour is fun filled with no downtime at all, I wish I can make this a longer trip so I can stay in each spot even longer! Our tour guide Youssa is exceptional! Friendly, funny, and very knowledgeable - which is perfect for a history buff like me with a million questions. He took us to local spots and got us to try local food. On our last night he was so nice to host us in his own home which we had the most amazing Egyptian home made meal ever. Definitely a great experience and and I highly recommend this company for anyone who wants to experience Egypt!


Entirely 10-day private tour with Egypt Tours Club with Youssa (Cairo and Alexandria) and Ahmed (Aswan and Luxor) as our tour guides. From the time they pick us up from the airport, they took care of everything. Super fun and very informative as they are Egyptologists. The tour already included all the transportation in Egypt, and most of the meals. We add on all the optional tours which filled us everything we want to experience in Egypt, like camel ride, hot air balloon, sound and light show, etc. The only shortfall for the trip is we sometimes have to get up super early at 4:30am, but still totally worth it. Highly recommend Egypt Tours Club.


I traveled to Egypt solo, female and felt safe with great guides. Sameh was my guide in Cairo and Alexandria and Mahmoud in Aswan-the Nile cruise to Luxor. I thought it was a group tour when I booked it but ended up being a private tour. The price was incredibly affordable It was awesome. Private cars with my guide and drive, no waiting for 50 people to get on an off. The guides were very knowledable, I learned alot about the history of Egypt as well as gained an understanding of Muslim life and beliefs - quite enlightening. I enjoyed the optinal excursions offered at affordable prices such as the hot air ballon, Abu Simbel and city tours. The different modes of transport I took a sleeper train from Cairo to Aswan, river cruised to Luxor experienced going through a Lock. Carriage rides to temples. The best thing is the guides negotiated and took care of all the arrangements. Mahmoud is Absolutely one of the best guides. Ali, the manager, always responded quickly and ensured the whole trip went smoothly, as i communicated with him on the trip and meet him. Eygpt Tours Club is definitely a 5 star company and I have referred them to my friends who are thinking of going to Eygpt.


I have nothing but high praise for this tour and tour company. If you want to experience everything that is worth seeing in Egypt, then this is the tour for you. It was well planned and very well paced. I opted for the 5 Star Hotel option and was very happy with accommodation provided. The overnight sleeper train is a fun experience and the Nile Cruise a nice relaxing break in the middle of the tour. My tour guides were Youssa in Cairo and Peter for the remainder of the tour. Both guides were generous with their time, information and very thorough with the details of each sight I visited. I have come away with so much more knowledge and understanding of this country and its history and also 2 wonderful new friends. Egypt Tours Club could not have been more helpful, and this was from the time of booking right up until my departure from Egypt. Ali was always very quick to respond to any questions and offers excellent service. This tour includes most meals, all transport and optional side tours (Abu Simbel and Ballon Ride over the Valley if the Kings) which I would highly recommend. Excellent value for the money. I cannot recommend this tour and tour company more highly.

Jake M

I have wanted to visit Egypt for 36 years. Ever since I was a young boy, I wanted to stand in the shadow of the Great Pyramid, look into the eyes of the Sphinx and sail along the Nile. All the things I wanted to do, Egypt Tours Club help make them a reality. I traveled the country by car, train, plane and boat loving every minute of it. Hussein El Gabry was my guide in Cairo. He was available at every turn of my trip. His focus was to take care of me and help make this dream a reality. He was a top notch guide. Walid Maadawy in Aswan was also spectacular! He was knowledgeable and fun and like Hussein, went out of his way to take care of me and show me their beloved Egypt. The cruise boat and crew were amazing. I highly recommend including the cruise trip tour as a part of your experience. All the guides were great and were open to all of my questions. I look forward to returning to Egypt some day to reconnect with these wonderful people and the folks at Egypt Tour Club.


Egypt is a fascinating place! I felt safe with my guides, Ashraf, Mohamed and Ahmed. All of them were very informative and open! Answered all questions and everything! Everything that i saw was beautiful and amazing, the price was affordable too - I've wanted to visit Egypt since i was a little girl and finally getting to do it was astounding and a dream come true. It was worth all the wait and money saving. I can't wait until i come back to Egypt again!


We toured the country. It was beautiful. Mohamed Gamal was an excellent guide. They followed thru on all of their promises and we were treated very kindly. I would recommend his services to anyone interested in learning more about the people and places of Egypt. Respectfully,

Daph U

Mohamed was an enthusiastic and informative tour guide. His ability to guide us throughout the tour and enlighten us on Egyptian history has taught me more than I expected to learn. He was very patient with our group of 3 and I am so glad we had him at a tour guide because he made it feel like we were being guided by a long lost friend. Highly recommended.

Carly S

Egypt on its own is breathtaking but choosing to tour with Egypt Tours Club was one of the best decisions I could've made. March 2020 was not the easiest time for the world but thanks to the entire team I felt assured that the this was going to be a positive and memorable experience. Mother nature kept interfering with the schedule --e.g., Dragon Storm, but even with all the problems that arose, the accommodations were made so seamlessly it was almost as if nothing happened. Jimmy was my tour guide in Cairo and Alexandria. I'm so happy that I was able to start and end my tour with him. You can tell he is passionate about what he does. When he shares his knowledge with you, it's like you're having a normal conversation with a friend. He absolutely made learning fun. George was my tour guide for Aswan and Luxor. If he were to teach a class, I would take it just for him. I learned so much from him but I know that was only scratching the surface of his knowledge. Midway through the trip I went on a Nile Cruise with M/S Nile Dolphin. It was a beautiful ship filled with a wonderful staff. They made sure I was comfortable and on time for all the events. They even called me if I did not show up for a meal. During the entire tour, I felt welcomed and most importantly safe. I will be making a return trip to Egypt someday. I would like to add: durable, comfortable shoes are essential, everyone should experience a camel ride, do not pass up the opportunity to eat fish from the Mediterranean Sea (it's delicious!), and make sure you take all the pictures you can.

Matthew H

If or when, my family and/or I return to Egypt, I will go through this company again and ask for the same guides again. We had an amazing trip, filled with memories that will last my Dad, Brother, and I a lifetime. Everyone in our group would recommend this company and in particular our guides to everyone and anyone. In fact, I’ve have already recommended the tour and guides to a few friends and coworkers. This is pretty much the highest compliment that I can give being that I have to work and see these people for the rest of my life. With that said, I’ll get into more details: Our group consisted of 3, my brother, father and myself. We varied in age from 83 (Dad) to mid-40’s (my brother and myself). We also varied in fitness levels, my Dad is very spry but, he’s 83 and my Brother and I are quite active. Our interest levels also varied. My Dad and I are big European history nerds but, my brother is really interested in ancient Egypt. This was his first time out of the US and the only place he was really interested in going was Egypt. Booking: I booked our tour through the website Tour Radar and we chose the Ancient Egypt Tour Package Discovery through Egypt Tour Club. The entire trip was very last minute. I was able to pull the entire 10-day trip together within 2 weeks of departure. The company made my life easier. They were incredibly accommodating with departure and arrival dates. You want to leave on Sunday and return Wednesday, sure, they’ll make it work! This really worked well as we all have varied schedules. Sam was our first guide and he met us at the airport early as we were 3hrs early. Sam helped us all into the waiting van, at which point we began our drive to the hotel. Our hotel was located in Giza, aprox. 1 ½ - 2 hrs away. While it seamed like a long drive from the airport, once we were at the hotel and saw that we were across the street from the Pyramids, we couldn’t have been happier. The hotel, Mercure Cairo Le Sphinx, was nice, clean, and we felt safe. We were able to get in, grab a shower, some dinner and watch the sun go down behind the pyramids with a beer in our hand, life was perfect and everyone was happy. We did have a set schedule when we arrived in Cairo. Our itinerary included Pyramids, old Cairo, Alexandria, night train to Aswan, Aswan to Luxor via river cruise, then back to Cairo and out. After speaking with our guide Sam, he suggested the same itinerary but a different schedule. Sam devised a new schedule that he thought would be more convenient for us, with less early mornings. We told Sam, as long as we saw the places in our itinerary, we didn’t care in what order and that we would go with his recommendation. We’re glad we did, because looking back we would have had a few more late-nights followed by early-mornings. Sam clearly knew what he was doing! On a side note, being flexible on this trip was really helpful. We had a set itinerary, Sam suggested we change the order, we’re glad we did. Be it traffic, Cairo is crazy, demonstrations, to times the tour left/returned, things change on a sometimes-daily basis. I was a bit cautious about changing our schedule at first, maybe because you think you’re going to be ripped-off or something like that but, that WAS NOT the case, Sam knew what he was talking about. Guides: Sam & Beacher Both were excellent and different. We found both guides willing to work with us and came up with their own suggestions. For instance, we wanted little extra time at the Valley of the Kings, Beacher agreed and he was there early. We thought something else would require more time, Sam (more on him later) knew we didn’t need that much time there, he was right. Work with your guilds, both you and they want you to have the best experience! Speaking of Sam, he was awesome. Because there was a lot of pickup-drop-off’s with Sam we also had a driver (I’m sorry I forgot his name). If you’re thinking about renting a car in Egypt, as we considered, DON’T. Driving in Egypt is crazy. Anyhow, back to Sam. Sam was our guide in Cairo, Giza (pyramids and surrounding area), and to/from Alexandria. He was both interesting, funny, engaging and just a pleasure to be around. Sam was able to answer all our questions and we just had a really fun and interesting time with him. Not only was he really knowledgeable about Egypt both ancient and present, we felt that we were in really great hands with him. He went out of his way for us. One example, for our overnight trip to Aswan on the over night train, I assumed we would be just dropped off at the station (we wouldn’t have had a problem with that). However, Sam walked us onto the station, moved us away from the crowds of tourist and was even able to grab us a table at a café with a bathroom! Again, my Dad is 83 and Sam saw he needed to sit and he made it happen. Sam even waited with us the entire time we waited for the train, even stayed longer as the train was over an hour late (“running on Egyptian time” – Sam). We glad he did, as the station was crowded and several trains came and went on the same platform in the meanwhile. He checked each train and finally walked us onto the correct one before we left. He went the extra mile and we really appreciated it. When we returned to Cairo on the last day, we asked to have Sam as our guide again and, he was a really welcome face on our return. Our other guide, Beacher (please forgive my spelling if I’m off) was incredible. Beacher loves the subject of ancient Egypt and clearly keeps up-to-date with new material and research within the field. As mentioned above, I am a nerd and my Brother LOVES ancient Egypt. Beacher was able to answer all our questions and put everything into a world context. We spent 4 days with Beacher and it was fascinating. He joined us on deck of the cruise for tea and pointed things out, and gave us the really in-depth tours we really wanted. Just overhearing the guides at stops along our cruise, and their formulaic / standard speeches, really made us appreciate Beacher and his depth, knowledge, and updates on current thinking on Egyptology. As I mentioned above, Beacher had us for 4 days and the most physical part of the trip. There was a lot more walking in Valley of the Kings / Queens and general Luxor area. Beacher was always looking out for our Dad (remember spry but 83) and found him a nice shady spot for him to sit (and nap) while he took my brother and I into more tombs. He was really good at gaging my Dad’s energy/interest level. He could see it was getting hot and Dad was getting tired and was would say, “ok, Henry, you’ll want to see this tomb but, the next one is similar to the last we saw so, I’ll just take the boys if you want to sit here;” perfect! Both Beacher and Sam were really looking out for Dad, and we appreciate it! Beacher and Sam were really excellent and I hope they get to see this. My Brother, Dad and I are still talking about the trip and the great time they showed us. Lastly and a side note: for anyone reading this and something I wish I knew before we went: regarding where we stayed and how it’s advertised. The company states that you’ll stay in a particular hotel / ship or “something of the same level.” We found it odd that we didn’t know exactly the name of the hotel we were to stay in, nor the name of the ship until we boarded. I’m very use to planning trips and this ambiguity really threw me. We were asked, “where are you staying” and we didn’t know, this made my Dad and I a little nervous. You’re really buying into a level of service/amenities. Everything is given a rating and while we did stay in the hotel, they advertised in Cairo we were on a different ship for our cruise but, of the same rating. Our ship was just as nice, if not nicer, than the one that we thought we were going on. Again, you’re really buying into accommodations of a certain rating. I guess the only 2 things I would have changed was, it would have been nice to know the exact hotel / ship a day or two before we left (although everything worked fine). And, where we stayed the last night before we left Egypt. The last 2 nights we stayed in the same great hotel in Giza as we did in the beginning of our trip. It was nice and great, it was just 1 ½ hours from the airport and we had an early flight out the next morning, this made it earlier. To end this long review, I would use this company again! I would love to see our two guides again, Sam and Beacher, and I would (and have) recommend it to anyone going to Egypt. I have NO problem recommending this company again and if you do go, ask for Sam and Beacher!!

Raquel M

It was a great experience, something to remember forever. Yussa and Ash were our guides. Both were friendly and full of knowledge. I highly recommend this for anyone coming to Egypt

Fabio S

Egypt Tours Club provided the best experience in Egypt! trust me you will love it! This is my third time in Egypt with different companies and this was the best experience I ever had. Ali, the agent from ETC provided EVERYTHING that I needed in Egypt, transfers, tours, hotel, activities, PCR test, air tickets and Cruise. he was always available to answer any question I had and tailoring the tour to accommodate my needs. The Tour guide/Egyptologist Mohammed knew a lot about egypt and explained all the details on the temples and tombs in a interesting and funny way so it was not boring. If he is available ask for mohammed, you won't regret.

marilia s

Since I was a children I wanted to visit Egypt and see the pyramids. Ali and Egypt Tour Club made it easy for me and my brother. We Booked everything with them. Transfer, tours, Cruise, flights and PCR test. This was my third international tour and my English is not very good so Ali, to make the trip better was able to find guides that spoke Spanish. Mohammed, the tour guide was great. He taught me a lot of the things I wanted to learn since I was a little girl. I am coming back home knowing old Egypt was greater than i ever imagined. I couldn't recommend a better company. I felt save in Egypt as a woman The tour guide and driver were vaccinated and were wearing masks. So I felt safe during these cover times.